A Taste of Judaism: Are You Curious?

July 10, 2013
Ever wondered how you could invite your friends and family to experience a “Taste of Judaism” at RS? Now there’s an answer! A Taste of Judaism: Are You Curious? is a FREE, three-session program designed for the unaffiliated – Jews or non-Jews – all are welcome. Please reach out to your extended family members, future in-laws, neighbors and friends and offer them a “Taste” of what makes Judaism so special. For more information or to register contact Catherine Fischer at 215-627-6747 x46 or email at cfischer@rodephshalom.org. Rabbi Eli Freedman will teach the course at RS on Wednesdays, August 7, 14 & 21, from 6:00-8:00 pm.  Taste of Judaism was created by the Union for Reform Judaism.

The Philadelphia Museum of Jewish Art Opening “Mis/Constructed Identities: Exploring Jewish Stereotypes” and our Jewish Path

May 28, 2013

Is Judaism an ethnicity? A faith? A family?  A few years ago, Rabbi Lawrence Hoffman visited as our scholar and guide for our congregation’s vision.  He taught us that modern Jewish life has experienced immigrations, the additions of majors groups that bring a new voice and have an impact of Judaism.  Immigrations include women in leadership, interfaith families and Jews by choice.  Such immigrations and the transformations they bring are powerful reminders that Judaism is not a race and can no longer truly be understood as an ethnicity.  Judaism is a spiritual path that, unlike ethnicity, can be joined.  And Jews are and have always come from many different ethnicities. Read the rest of this entry »