Refugee Resettlement: What You Can Do Today

December 18, 2015

At the foot of RS’ new Klehr Stairway we now have a bin where you can donate personal items and household goods to help the HIAS PA refugee resettlement.

Please bring gently used household items, such as pots and pans, silverware, sheets, blankets, etc.  NO CLOTHING, except winter coats, hats and scarves for children or adults (small or medium).  Currently, there is also particular need for alarm clocks, manual (non-electric) can openers, and laundry detergent.  Here is a link to the complete list of items needed:

Thank you to Carole Wilder for bringing this mitzvah to us and thank you to HIAS for doing such important work!

Showing Support to Muslims Neighbors

December 17, 2015

by Rabbi Jill Maderer

In the face of the current atmosphere of fear and Islamophobia, many of us seek ways to demonstrate to Muslim neighbors that we are their allies and know the faith that they practice is not the extremism we see in the terrorists.

As a start, I have been touched by the writings of Sophia Ali-Kahn. She provides guidance in this short article; I am interested to know how you think Rodeph Shalom can play a positive role.

Solidarity with Muslim Neighbors in Response to a Desecration

December 9, 2015



In response to the desecration of the Al Aqsa Islamic Society, a mosque in our neighborhood, our congregation’s clergy has sent this letter of support to its Imam.  This Hanukkah, may the Jewish community find ways to bring light into our world.

Letter to Imam Shehata

Read the rest of this entry »

Can a Reform Rabbi and an Orthodox Rabbi Light the Menorah Together? Hanukkah Candlelighting in Rittenhouse Square

December 4, 2015

Join us for the Center City Kehillah Hanukkah Candlelighting in Rittenhouse Square, Tues., Dec 8, 5:15pm!      

“Since when is Hanukkah so important?” I once heard someone ask a rabbi. “Sukkot is important, Pesach is important, Shabbat is important, but Hanukkah is such a minor holiday!  Why do we give in to the Christmas culture that identifies December as the time for an important holiday?!”

“Well,” the rabbi responded, “it’s true that Hanukkah is not particularly important compared to other Jewish festivals.  It’s a minor holiday that gets a whole lot of attention.  But, if Jews are creating happy Jewish memories and experiences around a Jewish holiday, who are we to take that away?”  Read the rest of this entry »