Elul Reflections: Accounting of Our Soul

One of the ways we prepare in Elul is by “cheshbon ha-nefesh,” taking an accounting of our soul.  Anyone with an IRA or any kind of investment portfolio will take an accounting of our assets as often as possible, analyzing each item, and making changes when necessary.  We should do the same thing with all of our actions and words during the past year, and make changes when necessary.

Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel taught that our lives do matter, and there are consequences to our actions and our choices.  He said, “The deed is the test, the trial, the risk.  The deeds and the actions we perform may seem slight, but the aftermath is immense.  The sun goes down, but our deeds go on forever.”  Heschel said that the very future of our planet and species depends on our deeds.  [The Insecurity of Freedom, by Rabbi A.J. Heschel, Noonday Press, NY, 1959].

During this month of Elul, let us reflect upon our deeds of the past year, and make changes where necessary.

L’shanah tovah–Your RS clergy

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